Welcome to St Andrew with St Alban in the Parish of Mottingham
Worship with St Andrew and St Alban in 2022
Sunday Services
Eucharists at St Andrew's 10am and St Alban's 11:30am. Sunday Club is usually held on the first Sunday of the month at St Andrew's in the Mumbray Hall. Contact Revd Ian Welch for further details and up to date information. If you are unable to contact the Rector please contact St Andrew's Churchwardens - here
Midweek Eucharist, 10am Wednesdays at St Andrew's.
Evening Prayer, 6.30 pm Thursdays at St Alban's
Morning Prayer, 9 am Fridays, on Zoom; call or text 07709 827355 for the link.
Weddings, Blessings, Baptisms/Christenings, & Funerals
Contact: Revd Ian Welch, standrewsmottingham@tiscali.co.uk/0208 488 8783/07709 827355
Fees: Weddings, £463.00; Funerals, £199.00; Baptisms/Christenings - No charge.
Stewardship and Giving
Please help by making a donation using the Donate Button above or contact Revd Ian Welch, Rector on T: 020 8488 8783, M: 020 07709 827355, E: standrewsmottingham@tiscali.co.uk. Your help will be greatly appreciated. Thank-you.
See our Safeguarding page and the Church of England's Code of Safer Working Practice here
Website Administration
Please contact the Rector, Revd Ian Welch (contact details above) on issues concerning this website.
Diocesan commitment to Eco awareness
Eco advice and Webinars
The Diocese of Southwark is committed to helping us think about how issues of climate crisis, pollution and the integrity of creation can and must increasingly inform the way we preach and live out the Christian good news in each and every parish and in our daily lives. Each parish is challenged to find a meaningful way to move towards a net zero carbon strategy.
A Vision for St Andrew's and St Alban's in the 2020s
At the end of 2021, the PCC agreed on its key missionary objectives for the next three years. These are as follows:
1. Greater linkage with community organisations and initiatives.
2. Social outreach through feasting and and fun.
3. Continuing development of all-age services.
4. Income growth and rationalization.
5. A focus on prayer and spirituality.
Worship Resources
The St Andrew's 10 am Sunday Eucharist is live-streamed each week on Zoom. Call 07709 827355 for details. Church of England Free Phone (0800 804 8044) worship for people without internet access here
Upcoming Events
Service Times
Please contact the Rector for up to date information
Rector, Revd Ian Welch;
- 10:00am Eucharist St Andrew’s
- 11:30am Eucharist St Alban’s
- 10:00am Mid Week Communion St Andrew’s
- 9 am Morning Prayer on Zoom, call or text 07709 827355 for the link