The United Parish of Mottingham St Andrew with St Alban
A completely new PCC was elected at the April 2021 APCM.
Mission Action Plan (MAP) 2019 - 2025
Agreed and approved at the December 2021 PCC meeting.
Communicating God's love in Jesus Christ and seeking the guidance of the Holy Spirit through prayer, that we may use our talents and resources to further God's Kingdom in our united parish and the wider world.
We share the vision of the Diocese of Southwark through 'Hearts on Fire with a Vision for Growth' by:
- Walking with Jesus and getting to know him better as we journey on
- Welcoming all, embracing our diversity and seeking new ways of being church
- Growing in numbers, generosity, faith and discipleship as we grow God's Kingdom
Priority Goals
The Mission Action Plan/MAP goals decided on at the PCC Away-Day in November 2021 were as follows:
- Income Growth
- Continuing development of provision for children and youth
- Greater community linkage
- Social outreach through feasting and fun
- Continuing focus on the deepening of prayer life
Other Priorities
- Build a Five Year Plan spreadsheet for Quinquennial recommendations and priorities, plus any quotes, for review
- Improve existing St Andrew's sound system as an immediate priority
- Address office and administration systems to ensure GDPR and Safeguaring compliance
- Produce compliance policies for data protection and keys
- Develop a programme of new fund raising events to broaden current offering
MAP Schematic
The Church of England's Five Marks of Mission can be found here.