CTIM Good Friday Walk and Act of Witness
Members of Churches Together in Mottingham CTIM and St Patrick's, Chislehurst took part in the Good Friday Walk and Act of Witness on 30 March 2018. Thirty or so members of the congregations walked in the rain from St Alban's in William Barefoot Drive to Mottingham Methodist Church in the "village" to take part in the act of worship. Members of the Mottingham Concert Band accompanied the hymns and Revd Dr Catherine Shelley, Vicar of St Edward the Confessor, Mottingham led the prayers. Revd Ian Welch, Rector of St Andrew's Parish Church addressed the congregation, reflecting on the meaning of Good Friday (please see Revd Ian's homliy below). After the service, all present were invited to the church hall for hot drinks and hot cross buns - welcome refreshment after their wet walk! For more information see here.